Lisa 6th November 2020

When you and T moved in next door it was like a breath of fresh air for the neighbourhood so much so that I bought the house the other side of you so I knew I would still have great neighbours! Oh and you brought us Mork, who you shared with us, he was a Top cat! Always welcoming, your manner never failed to make me feel like I had something interesting to say (which I'm sure really wasn't the case!) When I first discovered U2 you gave me Achtung Baby and it will forever be my favourite album which I will treasure. You gave us all Nathan and Phoebe, two truly amazing people, they have yours and Tina's warmth, courage, strength and welcoming manner. Thank you Si for being in our lives and being my neighbour for so long, you will be in my hearts always ❤️. Until we meet again, goodnight now Lisa xx